5th Class News
5th Class Christmas Decorations for Christmas Market
The children from 5th Class created some beautiful wreaths for the Christmas Market, here are some photos of the process and if you would like to...
A visit from the Planetarium to 5th Class
Our mobile planetarium is designed to explore science, astronomy, geology and geography in a fun and interactive way.We provide a fully mobile...
Great Visit to Kilmainham Gaol
Halloween Quiz
3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th Class took park in a Spooky Table Quiz in the Hall.
A visit from Winifred from Hocus Pocus
Some 4th class with Winifred the witch from Hocus Pocus, aka Gwen one of our amazing SNAs !! Matching our Halloween decorations 🎃🧙
Some recent Art work in 5th Class
5th Class Visit to the ARC
Athboy Communion School kindly invited 5th and 6th class to come experience the ARC. The Aquaculture Remote Classroom (ARC) is a mobile classroom...
Belvedere Cross Country
Congratulations to all the children from 5th & 6th class who participated in the 1000m running event. Hannah & Ross both finished in the top...
Visit for the Ice Cream Truck for 5th Class
What a lovely treat from our Parents Association to have the Ice Cream Truck Visit Clonmellon N.S.
5th Class Shannon River Adventure Centre (Part 2)
Part 2 from 5th Class School tour to Shannon River Adventure Centre.